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MRT Food Sensitivity and GI-MAP Test

MRT Mediator Release Test for Food Sensitivities

Traditionally, food sensitivities are tested by looking for antibodies to different foods in the blood. To get accurate test results, the person must have consumed enough of the food for a period of several weeks in order to produce enough antibodies for testing. This is ok if you currently eat the foods being tests and you don't have a compromised immune system (taking steroidal anti-inflammatories, have autoimmune concerns, digestive issues, etc.). 

Food sensitivities are also more complex than just antibody production. There are many other inflammatory chemicals the immune system can produce that promote sensitivities. This is where the MRT test comes in. The MRT uses a much different, and more accurate, technique to identify type 3 and type 4 food sensitivities. The test also includes 30 food chemicals and additives to make sure you stay clear of those that impact your health the most. 

The MRT results also comes with a wallet size card with your sensitivities on them so you have a quick reference while grocery shopping.

How does the MRT Test Work?
The MRT test works by measuring the volume change of white blood cells when they are exposed to different foods. The more the cells "empty", the higher assumed reaction. This is helpful since you don't have to consume the foods and it can still be mostly accurate with those who have immune challenges.

Book a complimentary health consultations to get your test done. 
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GI-MAP Stool Test


Most of your immune system is in your gastro-intestinal tract. You can improve your health and treat chronic conditions by partnering with your clinician on a wellness program that includes insightful diagnostic testing, lifestyle changes, and quality nutraceuticals.

Why GI-MAP Test?
  • GI-MAP helps assess specific microbes that may disturb your microbiome and trigger digestive and gastrointestinal issues and/or other chronic health conditions.
  •  Safe and Easy – only requires one stool sample.
  • GI-MAP is the latest DNA-based stool test utilized by functional medicine practitioners. It provides actionable test results that lead to a treatment plan tailored to address your health and chronic conditions. 
Book a complimentary health consultations to get your test done. 
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